Microsoft thinks that installing Internet Explorer 8 is "important." I don't think it is. I usually use

So today I selected the updates I wanted and unchecked IE8 again. The updates failed because my network connection flaked out. I fixed that and clicked the convenient "Try Again" button. Hmm. Why is there one more update being downloaded? Answer: because Microsoft decided to throw IE8 back into the set of updates to install.
Thanks, but no thanks. While some would see this as a deliberate attempt to trick me into installing IE8, I know that one should never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence.
In other words, Microsoft, try again.
P.S. While I wrote this I was surprised to discover that http://www.microsoftupdate.com linked to http://www.bing.com/search?q=microsoft%20update&form=MSSRPD. Guess that's one way to pump up the stats. But wouldn't it have been better to link to the right place: http://update.microsoft.com/?